Thursday, March 29, 2012

Collaborative AR

So this time I found an interesting article that was from '95, which also happened to be from Sony's research team.  This marks the earliest of the Sony articles I've found but it is an interesting article that relates to our own project by more than just being about augmented reality.  This system is designed to provide for group collaboration on 3D model inspection and transformations.  The example given for motivation is of car designers having to look at physical models to discuss features even though CAD designs generate 3D models.

The system was created on a palmtop device with several external sensors tied in for positioning information.  Depending on the tilt of the device with respect to the tracking coordinates different transformations can be made to the model displayed.  The system allowed for multiple users to examine the same model in an augmented sense, and all could also examine changes in near real-time.  Only one user would be able to make modifications at a time, though, which is handed off by the users who have control in designating another control master.

This system, while not quite what we are aiming to accomplish does have some similarities.  The base idea is for a collaboration system, which is one important aspect to what we are aiming for as well.  Similar to this implementation, though, users cannot examine changes simultaneously.


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